Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) Movie 3… in AITCH DEE!!

…wait, what?

Yeah, first of all, sorry for not getting short stories 6 and 7 done yet. I’ll get them out soon enough. Second, what’s this about Pokémon Movie 3 in HD? Well, this is what happened:

Apparently the dudes in #pokemon-originals got their hands on an HD rip of Movie 3’s dub from the AppleTV service (which I think is Apple’s video rental service? I’m not quite sure). It’s not an upscale (though the opening and possibly the ending sequences ARE upscales – I guess 4Kids only did the credit overlays at 480p), and it looks absolutely gorgeous, especially compared to the rather poor Japanese DVD (even in SD!)

So after a bit more research I found out that movie 3’s dub didn’t have any cut scenes at all (nor any paint edits, for that matter), so that gave me the motivation to sync the Japanese audio to it, and subtitle that. And here we are.

So with that said, here are the download links. I warn you that the HD version is a bit big (2.6GB) so if you don’t have the bandwidth, file space, or a PC capable of playing that, you can just download the SD downscale which I also provided. I will get torrents out soon enough, but since my ISP throttles my connection quite severely when it comes to BitTorrent, I’d appreciate any help I could get seeding them.

Download (HD): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Download (SD)

I’d also like to extend a big thank-you to the #pokemon-originals guys for helping me with this, especially FMA1394 who got me this gorgeous HD encode. They also got their hands on an HD rip of Movie 2’s dub, so I’ll be splicing in upscales of the deleted scenes on that one and putting out a v2 of that soon enough, with some translation fixes too.

EDIT: More on the AppleTV thing:
(nickstr) I think I can explain the AppleTV a bit further
(nickstr) it's a device sold by Apple which connects to an HDTV that allows for the rental or purchase of movies and TV shows in either HD or SD along with other multimedia functions such as viewing pictures, listening to music, or viewing web content

So there you go.

EDIT: Torrents!
Torrent (HD)
Torrent (SD)

I’d appreciate any help I could get seeding these.

14 Responses to Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) Movie 3… in AITCH DEE!!

  1. Dupe says:

    Movie 3 dub was also on Netflix in HD. I thought it looked decent when viewing it, since it had all the grain intact, but putting it up against the R2 DVD makes it look simply amazing. Thanks for the work.

  2. Stelman257 says:

    Is it possible to include the dub of the movie as well? I thought the 3rd movie was dubbed really well by 4kids. Dan Green did an awesome job as Entei.

    • pu7o says:

      Go download the dub in HD off #pokemon-originals in irc.hoshinet.org. The file is enormous enough as is, I don’t want to make it even huger by including another audio track.

      • Stelman257 says:

        I uh can’t seem to figure out how to download from them. Following the page you’ve given me gives me a funny message, and IRC channels don’t seem to work so what now?

        • pu7o says:

          Uh… you need an IRC client. You connect to irc.hoshinet.org, join #pokemon-originals, and download off the appropriate XDCC bot, in this case [P-O]Pikachu.

  3. Stelman257 says:

    I’ve got something called Mibbit, that’s an IRC client yeah?
    I can’t seem to find this XDCC bot.

  4. Stelman257 says:

    Okay I think I’ve connected to it now. (I’m seeing stuff like “DEPERATELY NEED NEW TRANSLATOR, and [P-O] Venusaur). Where do I find the bot now?

  5. kleferi301 says:

    a v2 of lugia movie would be nice..
    but what i really wish there’s a hd rip for movie 4, heck, even 480p one would be great, the only existing sub for the celebi movie is bad enough in term of video quality and TRio motto, not to mention they are very rare now that most people are having troubles finding them… i wonder if you would sub that as well? it’s the only movie that’s not having a good, quality version anywhere..
    (well, the dub have dub-exclusive scene, so ports from dub rip would be..)

  6. Aang says:

    Where are XDCC bot packlists?

  7. Plau says:

    Can anyone upload the #pokemon-original audio track to a torrent. I can’t use IRCs. Thanks.

    • pu7o says:

      That’s frankly too much work for me, especially since I don’t have the dub track anymore and don’t want to download the entire thing, but maybe someone else can do it for you.

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